燃油输送泵离心泵80CYZ-70 自吸泵 铜叶轮扬程70米柴油
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- 河北帕姆泵科技有限公司商铺
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- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第7年主体名称:河北帕姆泵科技有限公司组织机构代码:91130981MA0A6X3T5P
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- 人民币¥2632.00元每台
- 帕姆泵
- 80CYZ-70
- 80CYZ
- 50CYZ-50
- 河北泊头
- 80CYZ-13
- 关键词
- 离心泵 燃油输送泵 自吸好
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燃油输送泵离心泵80CYZ-70 自吸泵 铜叶轮扬程70米柴油自吸泵
自吸油泵的基本构造是由六部分组成的分别是叶轮,泵体,泵轴,轴承,密封环,填料函。The basic construction ofself-priming pump is composed of six parts, respectively, impeller,pump body, pump
shaft, bearing, seal ring, stuffing box.
1、叶轮是自吸离心泵的核心部分,它转速高出力大,叶轮上的叶片又起到主要作用,叶轮在装配前要通过静平衡实验。叶轮上的内外表面要求光滑,以减少水流的摩擦损失。 1, is the corepart of self-priming
centrifugal pump impeller, strength higher thanthat of its speed, leaf patches on the impeller and play a majorrole, the impeller through static balancing experiments beforeassembly.Impeller on
the inside and outside for smooth surface toreduce friction loss of water.
2、泵体也称泵壳,它是水泵的主体。起到支撑固定 作用,并与安装轴承的托架相连接。2,the pump body also calls the pump shell, it is the body of thepump.Support fixed effect, and connected to
install bearing bracket.
3、泵轴的作用是借联轴器和电动机相连接,将电动机的转距传给叶轮,它是传递机械能的主要部件。3, the role of pumpshaft is connected by coupling and motor, the torque of the motorto the
impeller, so it is a major part of themechanical energy transfer.
bearing is set on the pump shaft supportcomponents of pump shaft, which has two kinds of rolling bearingand sliding bearing.Rolling bearing use butter as a lubricant oilis generally appropriate
for two-thirds to three-quarters of the volumetoo much will be fever, too little and there was a noise andfever!Sliding dynamic bearing is using a transparent oil aslubricant, go to the oil
level line.Too much oil leak to the pump shaftand floating base, too little bearing overheating and burn outcause an accident!In water pump bearing has the highest temperatureduring the
operation of 85 degrees in a running around 60degrees, if the high will find reason (if there are impurities, oilis black, whether water) and processed in a timelymanner!
料函的检查是特别要注意!在运行 600个小时左右就要对填料进行更换。5, sealingring, also known as minus leakage ring.Import and pump impellershell gap between the will build into water by meansof
this clearanceflow inside the pump high to a low pressure area, affect the wateryield of pump, efficiency!Clearance starts to cause the impellerand pump casing friction wear.In order to increasethe flowresistance reducing internal leakage and delay the service life ofthe impeller and the pump shell, the pump casing and impelleraround the foreign aid junction with sealing ring, sealinggap inbetween 0.25 ~ 1.10 mm is advisable.6, stuffing box is mainlycomposed of filler, seal ring, packing, packing gland, watertubes.The role of the stuffing box is mainly in order to closethegap between pump casing and pump shaft, don\'t let the flowwithin the pump does not flow outside to not let outside air intothe pump.Always keeping the vacuum inside the pump!When the pumpshaftand be about to rely on water seal packing friction heat tohold water to the water seal circle packing cooling!Keep the pumprunning.So in the process of pump run Tours of inspection to checkthestuffing box is paying special attention to!Running about 600hours will be carried out on the packing replacement.
自吸离心泵的过流部件 Self-primingcentrifugal pump flow components
自吸离心泵的过流部件有:吸入室,叶轮,压出室三个部分。叶轮室是泵的核心,也是流部件的核心。泵通过叶轮对液体的作功,使其能量增加。叶轮按液体流出的方向分为三类:Self-priming centrifugal pumpflow components are: suction chamber,impeller, the pressure out of the room three parts.Room is the coreof the pump impeller, and also the core of the flow components.Ofliquid through theimpeller pump work, allow it to increaseenergy.According to the direction of liquid flow impeller isdivided into three categories:
(1)径流式叶轮(离心式叶轮)液体是沿着与轴线垂直的方向流出叶轮。 (2)斜流式叶轮(混流式叶轮)液体是沿着轴线倾斜的方向流出叶轮。 (3)轴流式叶轮液体流动的方向与轴线平行的。
(1) 单吸叶轮(即叶轮从一侧吸入液体)。 (2)双吸叶轮(即叶轮从两侧吸入液体)。
叶轮按盖板形式分为三类: (1)封闭式叶轮。 (2) 敞开式叶轮。 (3) 半开式叶轮
According to the classification of theimpeller impeller suction way is divided into two categories:
(1) single suction impeller (i.e., from one side suction impellerliquid).(i.e., (2) double suction impeller impeller from eitherside suction liquid).
Impeller press flat form is divided into three categories: (1)closed impeller.(2) open type impeller.(3) half openimpeller
燃油输送泵离心泵80CYZ-70 自吸泵 铜叶轮扬程70米柴油
法定代表人 | 蔡洪起 | ||
注册资本 | 500万人民币 | ||
主营产品 | 齿轮泵,磁力泵,螺杆泵 | ||
经营范围 | 工业泵研发、咨询服务;泵、电机、阀门、机电产品销售**(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动) | ||
公司简介 | 河北帕姆制造有限公司坐落于铸造之乡-河北省泊头市,公司占地面积38650平方米,建筑面积20300平方米,是,铸造,生产,销售服务于一体的容积泵专业制造厂家,齿轮泵,螺杆泵为主导产品,涉及21个系列,4200多种规格,年生产力达到43000多台(套),产品销油田,化工,电力,船舶,冶金,食品等各大行业,满足国内外客户需求,可定做,欢迎新老客户订购176320056200317-8185199邮箱: ... |
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